Sunday, May 21, 2006

Luther quickly

Last Saturday morning, I attended my monthly Church History class (that's right I said Church History) which is held at my church and led by my pastor. We are just now beginning the Reformation Period, so we spent most of our time on Martin Luther. Now, I must disclaim that I am NOT a bible scholar, nor am I a historian, nor am I educated to any significant degree in any kind of Christian theology whatsoever. So, if you have a question, you will probably have to wait for an answer, until I can adequately research the topic, or until I give up completely and refer you to someplace else. And I highly recommend, as my pastor says, please don't take my word for anything, check my work against the scriptures. Okay, now back to Luther. He was an awesome man, who probably saw God more clearly than anyone in his time. He did many great things, not only for the reformation of the church, but also for Christians everywhere, in his time and those to come. One of the great things about my pastor, is that he doesn't sugarcoat anything. He'll give it to you straight up, and to be honest, sometimes that's very uncomfortable. Well, he began to tell us some of Luther's flaws. He listed some of his character shortcomings, as well as some of his misguided publications. Luther is a very interesting subject, one that I would like to pursue further. I think it would not only be edifying mentally, but also spiritually. The take home message of the day is - "The best of men, are men at best." Not sure who said that originally, but still a humbling and hope giving reminder that even the most righteous man is still part of the fallen race and cannot taste God's kingdom without the redeeming power of Christ.

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