Tuesday, May 23, 2006

i am

I AM: a work in progress, in all aspects: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I WANT: true happiness, or a boat, whichever.

I HATE: food chewed with the mouth open, and being late.

I MISS: a few of my friends from college and even fewer from high school, but I truly miss those few.

I FEAR: that I won't be able to make my wife happy, that I won't be able to provide her the kind of life she desires.

I HEAR: that people can live richly without a lot of money (so I hear).

I WONDER: what people hear when they chew their food with their mouth open in a quiet room.

I REGRET: my lack of effort in my relationship with my dad, sister, and God.

I AM NOT: a liar or a hypocrite, uh, er...

I DANCE: at work, behind closed doors and thick walls.

I SING: like a bird, a crow (carry the light)

I CRY: when I watch Rudy.

I AM NOT ALWAYS: in control of myself and therefore not always a good example of a Christian.


I WRITE: with the hope of receiving complements.

I CONFUSE: myself when I try to study God's Word.

I NEED: to go to bed, but also I need words of affirmation from my wife.

I SHOULD: be a better servant, friend, son, brother, and husband.

I START: too many projects and books.

I FINISH: my dinner, guaranteed.

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