Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Price

I wrote this back in high school and happen to run across it during a recent garage sale. I was, of course, impressed with myself, and decided to share it. Hope it means something.

The Price

It ended and began again,
It was known from the start.
Any who believes can understand.
By naiveté it was shunned,
And through broken bones and broken hearts
So many saved by one dying man.

A liar who must die
He was a hypocrite.
But only by the mouths of some.
Though from his lips not a lie,
The blood he still bit
In his pain, he was alone.

The cross, an albatross,
Thorns as his frills,
Enduring lashes from whips and tongues.
But over the cross
To which he was nailed,
Angels hovered and sung.

This thing unforgotten,
The divine suffering
Before a perfect death,
His blood in the sod
With salvation lingering,
The price of eternalness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!